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Today, we'd like to announce that:
Our site is now Live!
What does this mean?
Well, now we're going to be able to post development updates in one, singular and easily shareable place on all of our social media accounts.
(and our discord server , which you totally should join btw)
We don't have much to say for now, sorry ( ◡‿◡ *),
Here's some sketches and WIPs instead!

Here's our early design of the Main Menu Background: A sketch of our Game's Main Menu, with Kaiko sitting on her bed. The image is colored but not shaded. And here's an even more early sketch for the sizes of different character's we're planning to have (minus some that don't have semi-finalized designs yet) Sizes of our characters, it shows characters standing next to eachother which allows you to compare how high they are with relation to eachother.
Bonus News??
We were (pretty surprisingly) asked if we accepted donations, so for now we're opening optional donations on our games!

What does this mean?

Now, when downloading one of our current (or future) games (*cough cough* like this one) , you can donate any amount of money you wish! (Including not donating at all)

I hope we can share some more insight about what we're currently working on, our latest progress etc. more often now, so stay tuned!